The Gut is The Second Brain in Autism and Beyond

Today’s medical researchers are always looking for a new way to tackle the behavioral disorders of the mind: autism, depression, ADHD, etc. In this quest of discovering the ultimate cure, scientists found something genuinely phenomenal. The chemical imbalance that can cause depression and behavioral disorders such as autism surprisingly originate from our gut.

The gut has a profound relationship with our immune system and the brain and has a world of its own. Our gut has a unique microbiome with the trillions of bacteria within and comprises of more than 100 million neurons which are twice the number of neurons present in the peripheral nervous system. These neurons hold great potential to regulate the communication between the nerves which dictates everything from our sleep to cognition abilities.

As regards of autism, the elements of learning and cognition hold the utmost significance, and due to the significant similarity between the two, the gut is referred to as the second brain and holds great potential to treat autism from its roots.

The researchers had found that more than 90% of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders had experienced some forms of gastrointestinal problem. This gut-brain connection appears to be an essential piece in the puzzle of treating the Autism Spectrum Disorders. The treatment of digestive dysfunction for the improvement of behavioral symptoms of Autism is a remarkable concept which is backed up by substantial biological data.

The gut is solely responsible for the production of up to 70% of serotonin neurotransmitter in our entire body which plays a significant role in our mood. Serotonin deficiency is one of the major causes of mood disorders and issues related to depression. The gut-brain connection is complicated, and it is an ever-changing system which probably comprises of the answers to our concerning behavioral problems but still, a lot of exploration needs to be done.


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